How to find a job after redundancy

Being made redundant can be scary. It’s not just about losing a job, but colleagues, work friends – and most importantly, the financial security that comes from being employed – are all gone. But it doesn’t mean your life has to stop. Read on to find your next opportunity, perfect your interview skills and nail that next job!

Fortunately, there are jobs out there and it doesn’t mean you’re unemployable; you just need to know how to get over a redundancy and focus on moving forward. This can be easier said than done, especially if you’ve been working at the same company for years and it is all you know. But working after redundancy really isn’t as bad as it might seem at first. In fact, it can almost be quite the opposite. It can be exciting, challenging (in a good way) and a positive step for you. Take a look at some of the factors to focus on below so you can perfect your interview skills and nail that next job!

1) Set goals 

The world is your oyster here. Work out what you would like to do, what you definitely would not and what is realistic for you to achieve. It’ll be here that you can work out aspects of your old job you didn’t like and reaffirm what skills you have, but may have forgotten about. This will help you in looking for that next job.

2) Keep a clear head 

Be open to opportunities that might come your way, as you never know if they will be useful to you in later life. This doesn’t mean giving up on what you’ve always dreamed of, but a job for life no longer exists, so it is always good to expand on your skills set.

3) Be open-minded 

Don’t be disheartened if interviews don’t go the way you want them to. Every experience will help you learn what didn’t work, so you can move on and be better prepared for the next one.

4) Know your USP 

Try to single yourself out from the crowd. It’s all well and good admiring other people’s talents and skills, but don’t forget about what you have to offer as well. If you and ten others are going for the same job, make sure you can demonstrate your qualities so the interviewer notices you.

5) Make a checklist 

  • Update your CV, making sure to write down all the skills you have and everything you did in your old job. This should be no longer than two pages and make sure it is clear and concise. Have references to hand also.
  • Write down what your USP is and work on it to the best of your ability.
  • Use this window of looking for another job to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. If you’re not so good at something and feel like you really need it to progress, think about training courses or ask advice from experts. This is what they’re here for, after all.
  • Research options. Looking for a job is like a full time job in itself, so don’t just go for the first one you see. Really look into whether it’s something you think you could do and that will ultimately make you happy.
  • If you get an interview, make sure you’ve brushed up your knowledge on what the company is about and identify the areas you think you could help them.
  • If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again – it’s all good experience. Perseverance will get you there in the end.